“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve…”* …the employment
Guidance to Freedom
Navigate the challenges of business and life with someone who's been there.
Who wants you to win and
Live Truly Free
Why keep struggling to figure it out on your own?
3 Easy Ways to STOP struggling and doing it alone!
Read my Book and Blogs
They will lift your spirits and give you practical business guidance. Start your day reading a blog or a chapter from my book:
Watch my YouTube Channel
Each playlist is like a FREE mini-course to both inspire and give you answers as an entrepreneur.
Come Alive Coaching ™️™️M
Connect with me One on One or in a Masterclass with 4 others. We will focus on you and the business side of your business.
Coaching Blogs
Coaching to Live into Freedom
I find I need to be constantly reminded to live into freedom. Don't you!?! These blogs will help!
Mentoring Winning Ideas just for You
Winning! Here are some blogs to stir your creativity to produce some winning solutions for you.
We all Need Restoration Coaching
Restoration is like a cup of cold water in the desert. Read these blogs and be refreshed!
Great Guidance to Help You
I'm all about delivering practical, real world guidance that you can take action from. These blogs will help guide you!
Ways to Connect with George
Set up a FREE call and let's talk about what's the best solution for you.*
* I use zoom with clients and have been doing work virtually for 20 years with great results.
Here's a sample of videos to coach you into Coming Alive and finding greater fulfillment as an entrepreneur. Check out The Entrepreneur Guide channel for more!
The Best Response to Disruptions:
pandemics, shutdowns, tornadoes, etc.
Boost your Creativity & Enthusiasms
part 1: Entrepreneurs Unplug!
Discover Your Leading Interests to Greater Fulfillment
You need a Mentor!
The 4 Cornerstones to "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
You need Resilience!
The 4 Cornerstones to "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
You must Believe!
The 4 Cornerstones to "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

What is Come Alive Coaching™️?
Have you ever seen a professional athlete without a coach? Or a pro golfer without a good caddie? NO!
So, why do we want to be a pro, but operate like an amateur?
Maybe it’s: “I can figure out the business part, looks easy”.
If you have a passion for anything, it’s easier. You have a passion for what you do, not the business side.
Or, maybe it’s “I can’t afford it.”
Any Pro will tell you that they cannot afford NOT to have a coach. My clients would agree, as they have made many times their investment in my services.
The secret to Come Alive Coaching is YOU living into your passions, again.
So, we tackle those current business issues you may be facing that are stealing from you and keeping you up at night. We solve them!
We get you back playing your game, the game you love! That’s freedom!
When you’re ready to reignite and Come Alive, LET'S Chat!