About Me
I envision a fellowship of entrepreneurs who learn to live into true freedom and a purposeful life.
Where no one tries to make the journey alone, but with their allies and friends supporting them.
A fellowship that is about love, growth, bravery, impact, and FREEDOM.

There's a particular lifestyle that I want to create for myself and I want to help lead others into. It's a lifestyle of true freedom. A type of freedom that usually isn't available to anyone except entrepreneurs.
It's a lifestyle where you are free to create, free to pursue your vision, free to determine the size of your impact, and free to not miss out on family, friends, adventures, and all the meaningful things in life!
It's a balanced lifestyle of work, family, and friendships that leads to a deeply fulfilling, purpose-filled, and meaningful life. If this is something you want too, we're going to be friends!
I love being around people who are alive to their passions, believe they have a purpose which will leave the world a better place, and are brave enough to live into the adventure of entering the entrepreneurial arena.
I entered into the entrepreneurial arena when I was 18.
My Entrepreneurial Journey:
I always had a passion for health and fitness and I saw opportunity to do things a different and better way.
I believed that I could have tremendous impact on people's lives if I could make fitness less of a chore and more fun.
So after much prep and planning, I opened an obstacle fitness gym, Ninja Park and Fitness when I was 18.
It was an incredible journey that did make great impact!
Some Highlights:

But It Wasn't All Good:
Throughout the 6 years of owning and operating Ninja Park I had my fair share of down times! Some of those were:
- In the first year of business I went through a partner betrayal. After the business was up and running, he felt we had different visions and wanted to become the sole owner of the business. I didn't let that happen and things got ugly. I ended up buying him out and he opened an obstacle gym directly across the street from me. It was an extremely difficult time for me!
- In seasons of pain, such as the partner betrayal, I wasn't fully engaged in the company and I didn't delegate well. That resulted in having to put out massive fires down the line.
- There were very difficult times of having to let go of team members which was particularly hard for me because I'm a very relational person.
- I had my fair share of financial struggles! It was a niche business and there were times when it was particularly difficult to cover all the expenses. There were some tough financial times personally as well!
My training as an entrepreneur was "live fire training!"
I had to learn as I went. Fortunately I had George who was willing to help me and guide me! I learned so much from my mistakes and from George!
The reason for the success of Ninja Park was that I had George to teach me, encourage me, guide me, and practically help me in so many ways! I also had a great team that gave their all to further the cause!
George and I Team Up:

In 2020 I sold Ninja Park to The Ultimate Ninja Athlete Association. They are a league who started at Ninja Park and grew into an international obstacle competition league! Ninja Park became the worldwide headquarter gym and all of my coaches continued to coach at the gym.
I sold the gym because I felt it was time to move on to other things. I wanted to do more with Live Truly Free and help entrepreneurs breakthrough to success and live into true freedom like George did for me.
George and I both believe that the greatest freedom anyone could embrace is living fully into the person they are created to be i.e. freely live into their truest self.
We also both believe that Living Truly Free begins inside us, as an inward condition, that leads to an outward manifestation, so that nothing can enslave us.
What I want for you is:
- For your entrepreneurial endeavor to thrive.
- For you to know great joy and fulfillment. To live your best life and never miss out on meaningful life experiences.
- For you to have financial flexibility for all of life’s necessities and for fun experiences.
But what I want for you most of all is to be able to look back on your life free from regret of having missed the most important things.
To know that you used your unique gifts and vision to impact the world.
To have beautiful memories of time with your family and friends because you had the time and financial freedom to be there.
I want you to Live Truly Free.
That’s why I joined up with George in his vision for Live Truly Free.
I hope you will join the fellowship so that together we can relieve your pain of trial and error, guide you to success, and guide you in living into your true self and true freedom!
In addition to all that, I want to tell you that you’re not alone in your journey. Setting off on your own to pursue your own vision doesn’t mean you have to figure it out alone!
I’ve had lots of ups and downs as an entrepreneur, and while I fully believe in expressing freedom through free enterprise, I know that at times it can be overwhelming, frustrating, and even lonely.
I don’t want you to be alone in facing the hard times!
So don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
Let's Chat!
I'd love to get to know you and learn what your business is all about!
*Set up a time to talk with me if you'd like to chat about how Live Truly Free can help you as an entrepreneur or if you just need a friend to talk to!
More of My Story:
I began my entrepreneurial journey when I was 18. Not long after I graduated high school I opened an obstacle fitness gym, Ninja Park.
Before opening, I read George’s book “The Next Level Entrepreneur” and followed the process within to create Ninja Park’s “Next Level Navigator”.
The process stirred my passions and unleashed a whole new level of creativity in me.
The Navigator guided me to some tremendous success including becoming the grand champion of The Small Business Championship hosted by Sam’s Club and SCORE, beating out over 400 other companies from around the nation.
I met George in person after winning the Business Championship and found myself wanting more content from him. I knew that this man could guide me in becoming a better leader, a better prioritizer, to be more successful in my impact, and to become a much more free man.
I was beyond excited to hear that George was creating a company to go beyond the book and create loads more content to help entrepreneurs.
I joined up with George and we’ve been hard at work creating what I believe is the absolute best option for guidance to success and fellowship for entrepreneurs.
That was 6 years ago. Now we have tons of resources, content, courses, and live guidance options all designed to help you overcome barriers and breakthrough to your next level!
Everything we create is for the purpose of relieving your pain, getting you unstuck, and guiding you into deeper freedom.
I can’t wait to share our experience and all of the resources we have to offer to help you in your entrepreneurial journey!