Duties of a CFO The Chief Financial Officer is a top-level leader of a company who oversees
Numbers to Profits
Start leading into the future with YOUR numbers guided by someone
Who wants you to profit and
Live Truly Free
Are you maximizing your profits? Or, are you guessing about your numbers?
3 Easy Ways to not stress out and start increasing profits!
Read my Book and Blogs
They will lift your spirits and give you practical numbers guidance. Start your day reading a blog or a chapter from my book:
Watch my YouTube Channel
Each playlist is like a FREE mini-course to both inspire and give you ways to increase your profits.
Lead with your Numbers
Connect with me One on One or in a Masterclass with 4 others to understand and lead with your number that matter to your biz.
Profit Blogs
Coaching to Live into Freedom
I find I need to be constantly reminded to live into freedom. Don't you!?! These blogs will help!
Mentoring Winning Ideas just for You
Winning! Here are some blogs to stir your creativity to produce some winning solutions for you.
Ways to Connect with George
Set up a FREE call and let's talk about what's the best solution for you.*
1 on 1 Engagements
Are great because you and George can move fast on the things most important to you, especially where you may be stuck or out of answers.
Creating the highest returns possible, will be our focus.
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Are an excellent value with only 4 entrepreneurs per class. Every session is led by George and each is highly interactive.
You will benefit from George and gain insights from the other entrepreneurs.
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“...quite a page turner."
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* I use zoom with clients and have been doing work virtually for 20 years with great results.
Here's a sample of videos to guide you into leading into the future with YOUR numbers and Ways to Increase Profits. Check out The Entrepreneur Guide channel for more!
Understand your Numbers
to begin leading from your numbers
Positively Cash Flow or die!
it's more than you think with practical tips
How to Increase your Profits
focus on this secret and you will be profitable
You must play Monopoly
a great way to begin leading with numbers
Numbers don't Lie
numbers are your best reality check to lead
Know your Value $$$
most of us undervalue ourselves, do you?

How do you lead profitably without being a “numbers” person?
I’ve worked with many entrepreneurs / business owners. Only a few have been “numbers” people. Why?
Because their passion is in what they do. All they care about is “Am I winning or losing?”
They view numbers as “the score”, and typically look at cash and/or profits.
Most of the time, they run off their instincts, occasionally glance at the score, and then wonder why the score isn’t higher.
Sound familiar?
If it does, I can assure you that you are leaving “money on the table”.
First, you have to understand the dynamic of YOUR numbers. And this includes numbers that are not dollars.
Together, we will transform YOUR numbers from what happened to leading into the future of what will happen.
LET'S Chat! When you’re ready to start increasing YOUR profits.