1 on 1 Level Guidance 

Get right to point of what you and your company need to breakthrough to success!

Overcome what’s holding you and your company back from consistently winning and begin living with greater financial independence and time freedom so you don’t miss out on what matters most in your life! 

Greater Fulfillment ~ More Wins ~ Time Freedom ~ Financial Freedom ~ Stop Missing Out 

The Entrepreneurial Lifestyle George Leads You Into is About:

Impact And Fulfillment

 Making a great living doing the work you are passionate about, that makes an impact, and is fulfilling.

Time For Family And Friends

Having time to renew with family, friends, doing things you love, and not missing out on valuable things. 

Financial Flexibility

Having financial flexibility for necessities and fun so you don’t miss out on living a complete life.

The Fastest Way to Breakthrough to Success and Begin the Live Truly Free Lifestyle. 

When you Work with George at This Level You will Experience:  

Passion ~ Intelligence ~ Wit ~ Wisdom ~ Experience ~ Faith ~ Breakthrough 


“I am results oriented, and I want you to have many returns from your investment with us.”  ~ George 

Here’s what you can expect when working with George at this level: 


George will orient you back to your passions and vision!

    You’ll talk about the lifestyle you want to create for yourself and get pulled out of the weeds up onto the precipice where your vision can expand. Restore your excitement and motivation for your business and lifestyle and remember why you Entered the Arena of entrepreneurs. Carpe Diem!

George will get you clear on direction to your Next Level!

    As your passions and vision are getting clearer, George will guide you to focus on what your Next Level is and when you’ve reached it. You will be amazed at the  clear direction you will have to progress towards your Next Level, and how real it seems. George will also guide you on how to align your team to your direction. 

Overcome Success Barriers!

    As you get clear on the where you’re headed, success barriers normally come to mind. George approaches solutions to these success barriers with Next Level creativity! 

    You may feel like you need an “outside the box” solution, but George creates with a “What Box?” mentality which results in brilliant solutions! Creating from a “What Box?” mentality looks like building castles in the air and then putting foundations under them which unleashes creativity and leads to elegant solutions for overcoming barriers. 

Effective and Unifying Breakthrough Strategies!

    George creates strategy like no other. George’s sage advice will leave you with genius and effective strategies to achieve your Next Level! From there you will develop tactics for each strategy. Your team will be unified by these great strategies, because they will all play a part to achieve them and the Next Level. Now you can lead your team from your strategies by delegating strategies and tactics to them


You will be restored to your vision, know where you’re headed, create strategy sourced from your passions, overcome success barriers with next level creativity, and lead your team to breakthrough with great strategy

George is realistic and understands what it takes for a company to truly be successful and sustainable!

George knows the life flow to keeping a business alive is cash.

He’s practical and never loses focus that without increasing cash, i.e. profits, a company will not survive.  Never fear, your investment in Live Truly Free will yield returns

From his beginnings George has led and guided companies to ever increasing cash, profits and net worth. And he wants to do the same for you.

George has a deep working knowledge of finance and economics and can show any entrepreneur the path to profitability.

George can teach you how to read and understand and lead from your analytics.

  • What are they telling you and how do you pivot based on them? Your analytics include financial numbers, strategy metrics, social engagement stats, etc.

George will turn you into a modern leader who leads from a complete understanding of their business: vision sourced from their passions, breakthrough strategies, and analytics.

How George Can Help Guide You:

George wants to help entrepreneurs shortcut the “school of hard knocks” and end unnecessary suffering by sharing his decades of experience leading companies and guiding entrepreneurs.

George has helped lead 19 businesses of all sizes, including 7 startups and 1 turnaround with combined revenues in excess of $1billion and thousands of employees.

Whatever the size of your business or stage you’re at, George will relieve your pain of trial and error, restore you to your passions, lead you in breakthrough strategies, and guide you to a lifestyle of true freedom! 

In addition, George has worked in over 24 industries and guided numerous other entrepreneurs and their companies.

George’s passion is summed up by this Charles Howard quote from the movie Seabiscuit:

“When the little guy doesn’t know he’s a little guy, he can do great things!”

What Our Customers Are Saying

Hear from Brian Lavezarri, (owner of Lateran Construction) who has participated in the 1-on-1 Guidance Level and the Hybrid Guidance Level, about the breakthroughs he's experienced and the greater freedoms he's been able to live into in business and in life as a result of Live Truly Free's guidance.


  • Living a Successful, Balanced, Meaningful Life with Live Truly Free
  • Save Time and Money and Avoid Grief- Breakthrough from Clarity of Purpose
  • Gaining Clarity of Priorities and Moving Forward with Momentum

"Phenomenal results working with Live Truly Free! 

I have done both the Masterclass and 1 on 1 Sessions. George has helped us organize and express our entire direction on 1 page through his strategic process: The Next Level Navigator®.
Even before we finished it, I was using it to increase sales and focus our team!"

Bret Broussard

Broussard Group, Inc.

"George and [Live Truly Free] have a process [The Next Level Navigator®] that brings order to disarray and can help any organization focus its efforts on the key drivers of success."

Lew Moorman

former President of RACKSPACE HOSTING

1-on-1 Session Details

  • Sessions are 1-on-1 Guidance with George. 
  • 2 sessions per month with part of one session dedicated to implementing strategic applications. 
  • 90 minute sessions. 
  • There will be replays of each session available for download.
  • 1 on 1 Guidance is a month to month commitment, but most stay for years.

*Fine Print: Payments are auto charged on the 22nd before the next month's group sessions. Cancellations must be emailed 21 days in advance of the month to cancel.  If for any reason you leave a group and want to return, there is no guarantee that your spot in the group will be available. You may be placed on the waiting list. Also, you will lose any special discount pricing. 

Only 4 Spots Left!


1-on-1 Guidance

Reconnect to your passions, overcome success barriers, and lead your team to victory!



Simple, fast and effective flexible move



Simpler, faster and more effective, flexible move. Achieve more with a small investment



The simplest, fastest and most effective, flexible move. An exclusive package that gives you more advantages


100% Money Back Guarantee

All of us at Live Truly Free expect that your investment of time, money, and effort will yield results!

We're so sure of this that if you don’t feel that your first ever 1 on 1 session was worthwhile, let us know before your second session and we will refund your entire investment and cancel your remaining 2 sessions.

Still not quite sure? let's chat 😊

Hey guys, Jared Edwards here! Before you go, I'd like to invite you to chat with me. 

I'd love to get to know you and learn what your business is all about! 

*Set up a time to talk with me if you'd like to chat about how Live Truly Free can help you as an entrepreneur or if you just need a friend to talk to! 👉
