The Therapist's Masterclass

Revealed... the way to easily operate the business side of your practice

You love to help people, but trying to manage the business side of things feels like a daunting task.

The Therapist's Masterclass will guide you in successfully operating the business side of your practice leaving you more time and energy to focus on your clients.

Hey, we get it! 

We know you hate trying to manage the financial side of your practice.

We also get that:

You're tired of never making as much money on a job as you expected to.

You're sick of everything always coming in lower than you thought it would.

It's exhausting! You do all this work and barely make any money!

Not to mention all the extra challenges of running your business during a pandemic! 

Getting the supplies you need to finish a project is nearly impossible

and whatever you can get is at a hugely inflated cost to you.

If this👇 happens to you and you're sick of it, this Masterclass is for you!  

You bid on a job today, but then the cost of the job keeps getting higher and higher and your contract isn't written in a way that allows you to price adjust. And change orders are just a pain in the ass!

You've tried a cost plus contract but then the buyer nitpicks every little detail of the cost and when clients become difficult, it takes all the fun out of building! 

👆 That sucks! 

It's hugely frustrating and flat out exhausting!

No wonder you feel like you're running on fumes.

You're feeling worn out and keeping a work/life balance is just impossible these days

because you're having to put all of your time and energy into making your business work.

There's nothing left for your life outside of your practice.

You feel like pulling your hair out most of the time and the passion, excitement, and fulfillment you felt when you first started your practice has left the building.


  • Your passion, energy, and excitement for your business are restored. Your gas tank is full to overflowing! 
  • Your practice is profitable and you're making a good living by helping people!
  • You have efficient and effective systems built in to your practice that enables you to know exactly what's going on and make good, informed decisions which causes your business to flourish!
  • You can spend less time in the business side of things and more time doing what you love: Helping people!
  • You're making more money than ever before, are less stressed, and your schedule works for your lifestyle! 

The Feature Highlights

Secrets and Hacks

We know some secret hacks to keep you organized on the business side of stuff so you have more time and energy to give to what you love to do, help people! And you will learn all of our secrets! 

Proven Systems

Systems that are proven to work that will simplify your life and help you come out with actual profit from your practice

Financial Leadership

Learn how to manage the business side of your business in a way that you know what's going on and can make good/informed decisions based on the reality of your numbers

Over $2,000 of Bonuses

We're including over $2,000 of bonuses when you join this Masterclass! These bonuses will offer huge practical help in getting your practice profitable quickly

What You Will Learn

Check out the short video below to see what makes this Masterclass different from the rest! 

George explains the things you will be learning that will produce profits and give you systems that will decrease the time you spend on the business side of things and free your time for building and a life outside of work

Who is a Great Fit for this Masterclass?

Any entrepreneur / business owner who does anything related to building and construction. Basically, if you bid jobs and have to manage all the contractors, labor, supplies, etc. within the job to produce a profit based on your bid. Yes, that includes subcontractors, too.

Can We Be Real With You?

We're sure you're tired of hearing from all the business "gurus" out there that they have an instant fix to all your problems. 

You're an entrepreneur in the real world and you know their instant fix is BS

Maybe you've tried different courses or classes and you did everything they said to do, but you didn't get the results they promised. 

Nobody deserves to be burned like that. Especially the people that build our homes! 

So we're going to be real with you! While this Masterclass will provide you with some secrets and hacks that will help you very quickly, it is not an instant fix

It is a long-term transformation.

We believe with all our hearts that if you put into action the things you learn in this Masterclass that you will make your money back many times over

We also believe that you will very quickly stop losing money that you don't need to be losing on jobs. You will also learn systems and effective ways of doing things that will save you time, money, and emotional angst!

Main Benefits

Make Profit from your Practice

Some things you can only learn from 25 years of business experience...or by taking this class!

Operate with Effective Systems

Operate with effective systems that allow you to make good and informed decisions that pay off and spend more time doing what you love - Helping People!  

Feel Your Passion and Energy Restored

Experience a revival of your strength as your passion and energy returns with winning strategy and fresh breakthrough!

Limited Space Available

We are keeping this Masterclass small to maximize the amount of learning you will get and to maximize the amount of value we can provide. 

This class will be limited to 5 therapists

This will be a small, tight knit group which enables maximum learning and allows us to give you over $2,000 in bonus gifts, including a private coaching session! 

Learn more about all the bonus gifts we are giving you when you sign up for this Masterclass below,

but know that limited space is available so sign up and reserve your spot!

Course Details

This course is designed to fit into your already busy schedule:

  • 1 hour to meet with the Masterclass 3x per month for 4 months.
  • This is a highly interactive class led by George Black. Throughout the Masterclass he will specifically tailor his guidance to you and your company needs. Plus, he will personally review any session prep you send in.
  • Suggest 1+ hour per week to implement that week's session material and do any prep work for the next session. 
  • Week 4 is for catch up. 
  • PLUS there will be 1 bonus session to address any specific problems your company is facing. 
  • The class will meet via zoom and you will also be put on our class email list to receive bonus gifts and helpful materials from us throughout the class. 
Class length

The Masterclass is 4 months.

session details

There will be 3 LIVE Masterclass sessions each month, 1 hour in length, led by George Black with 1 week dedicated to implementing the strategies and systems you are learning. 

This is a highly interactive class with George. Throughout the Masterclass he will specifically tailor his guidance to you and your company needs. Plus, he will personally review any session prep you send in.

Communication Details

The class will meet via zoom and you will also be put on our class email list to receive bonus gifts and helpful materials from us throughout the class. 

Who Is George Black?

Hi, I'm George Black 

I am a business expert focused on "stuck" entrepreneurs, and the author of The Next Level Entrepreneur.

I draw on more than 25 years of helping to lead 19 businesses of all sizes, including 6 startups and 1 turnaround. I have worked in 24 industries and guided numerous other companies. Using my know-how of building great companies, I guide business owners to experience greater fulfillment and sustainable profitable growth.

I know that when entrepreneurs map their direction and understand their numbers they can make great decisions and achieve their Next Level!

~ George Black

Your Investment In the Class


How to Save Big!!!

1. Sign up now to receive a $500 discount code!

(by answering 3 survey questions)

2. Pay in full to receive another $500 discount!

Your Total After Savings: 



We're including over $2,000 in bonus gifts!

Check out the Bonus Gifts Below! 👇

Plus, OVER $2,000 in Bonus Gifts! 

We're offering r $2,000 in bonus gifts!


3 Group Bonus Sessions

$1,249 value!

We're gifting you 3 additional 60 minute group mastermind sessions to solve you're specific issues in your company to increase your profitability. Chat with George and the others to get real, actionable answers!

1 Private Coaching Session with George*

$447 value!

We're gifting you 1 private 60 minute coaching session with George. Do a deep dive into your company with George and be shown solutions and strategy you won't believe!

* Available once Masterclass paid in full and after month 1.

Quickbook Templates and spreadsheets, etc.

$295 value! 

Templates you can plug right into your books that will instantly organize your finances and that you can use going forward so you always understand and lead from your numbers.

Plus, George's 2 Books ~ A $20 value! 

That's OVER $2,000 in Bonus Gifts! 

We're offering r $2,000 in bonus gifts!

The impact of George's leadership on these companies...

Rivas Roofing and construction, Inc

When George joined the company, we were stuck, not growing, and profits were declining. George led us in streamlining our processes and removing redundancies. He also revealed our actual profitability on repairs and bids and he led us to increasing profits. George improved our management of crews and reduced overtime. Because of his leadership and guidance, we were able to breakthrough our revenue ceiling and more than double our work volume and profits.

RatHburn Construction Co., Inc

We were using money from the current house we were building to pay off bills from 3-4 builds ago. George led a deep dive into our bid process. He found profit leaks and showed us secrets from his experience on how to increase our profit margins. Through George's leadership we turned the company around beginning with positive cash flow and then came more cash from profits. We soon owed nothing on previous builds and continue to grow profits using George's processes and systems. 

Lateran Construction 

When George came into the picture, I was tired of being underwater and feeling burned out on residential building. I wanted to change directions. George guided me in remapping my directions and focus based on my passions.  Today I am involved in commercial work and a 400 acre residential land development project. Now, I'm using George's Profit Tracking System and Cash Flow Accelerator to begin boosting my profitability. I have much more energy and excitement for my work, and I am thankful to George for guiding me!

What Others Have Said About George

"Phenomenal results working with Live Truly Free! 

"I have done both the Masterclass and 1 on 1 Sessions. George has helped us organize and express our entire direction on 1 page through his strategic process: The Next Level Navigator®.
Even before we finished it, I was using it to increase sales and focus our team!"

Bret Broussard  //  Founder And President of BROUSSARD GROUP

Rackspace grew 5x, as George helped lead strategy.

I’m grateful for the contribution George made to us and recommend his work to anyone aspiring to build a great company.

Lanham napier  //  Former CEO of Rackspace Hosting

Still Not Sure?

Let's talk!

You want to turn things around but the thought of taking on something else feels overwhelming

You don't have to keep going at the rate you have been just trying to make things work.

You can be making more money, have more time for your life outside of your company, and have more time and mental/physical energy to give to what you actually like to do - build!

We'd love to talk about your specific situation, so book a convenient time with us, and let's talk.

Plus, we don't want you feeling stuck in something that you don't think is going to be the right fit for you after all. That's not what we're about.

In fact, we're so confident that you'll be thrilled about the Masterclass, that we're offering a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee that takes out the risk.

If the Masterclass is not the right fit for you, just talk to us before the 3rd session to have your Masterclass investment promptly returned to you! 


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. We're confident that once you start, you're going to be extremely satisfied and excited about the value you're getting!

But, if you decide that this Masterclass isn't the right fit for you, please talk to us before the third session about promptly refunding your money . 

George Black

 Know somebody who may be interested in The Therapist's Masterclass?

Send us their Contact Info, and...

Receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card for Every Contact you send us that signs up for the Masterclass.

1. Click the "Yes, I Have Contacts" button below to provide us the information of anyone you think would be interested and would benefit from this Masterclass.

(You can submit 5 contacts per form.)

2. We'll take it from there, and let you know if they enroll. You'll receive your Amazon gift card within 30 days of their first payment.

 Have People who are very interested in The Therapist's Masterclass?

Than you want to check out our 10% Referral Program!


Click the "Yes, I Have Referrals" button to go to our 10% Referral program page. 

From there you will see how our 10% can be broken up in different ways for you to offer value to your friends/clients and submit your referrals. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I'm a subcontractor, will this Masterclass work for me?

Absolutely! This Masterclass is designed for anyone leading a business in the building / construction industry.

Can I pay for the Masterclass monthly?

Yes. When you click the sign up button above to answer the 3 survey questions about the Masterclass and the contact questions, you will also be asked if you want to receive a registration form to pay in full and receive an additional $500 off the Masterclass or if you would like to receive a registration form to pay monthly. Based on what you select you will be sent the appropriate registration form to the email you provide us in the survey. 

Will this stuff really work for me?

Yes! But there is action required on your part. If you just sit in on the classes and don't implement the knowledge and systems you are learning, not much is going to happen. We fully believe that if you take action on what you learn, it will result in your business being debt free, cash flow positive, and profitable. 

Who is this Masterclass not for?

This class is not for people who are not open to implementing new systems, personal growth, and learning new ways of operating. If you are set in your ways you will not benefit from this Masterclass. 

© 2025, Live Truly Free, LLC
